Monday, December 31, 2007

Out of the LOOP.

I have lost interest in this crap...only joking...lots more to come in the new year especially a focus on the Quiad family and a man thats dear to my heart MR RDA or Richard Dean Anderson, Mr Anderson the Chosen one.

Happy new year to all especially those that have left comments of support Astro, Ben, JB, Michael, Jake, I love reading what you write and that goes to all those i have linked to aswell....I have developed a greater understanding of the world around me and how little I still know by reading from ALLL of your writings.

I know i have not been visiting and commenting recently but that means feck all. Keep it up and dont let anyone EVER tell you different.....

Hugs and kisses to all......have a good one

1 comment:

AstroSphinx said...

Thanks for all the thought and support and interaction and friendship you have given over the short time I've been on youtube.. and how you brought me back to my long neglected blogg..

Best wishes to you and yours!!! and best of dreams too!