Sunday, January 6, 2008

Is the Universe a UNIVIRUS.

A Petition to Destroy the Universe.

(I personally am not suggesting we destroy the Universe please do not interperate this in that way.This piece contains direct quotations only. The reason i present it here is because i have uncovered certain syncs which seem to point towards it and these articles prepare the ground for those Synchronicities.)

"Tatsuko Muraoka (not his real name), a scientist at a leading university in Japan has developed a machine that will essentially cause the destruction of the universe. The highly sophisticated machine known as the X35 is result of its predecessor, a machine that Muraoka made that successfully decompiled matter into oblivion (considered impossible by so-called scientific axioms.) This was accomplished by disrupting the relations within the space that the matter occupied to where the matter had no relational footholds to allow its existence. The relations were actually interactions of energy communicating not in the gross physical dimensions that we are able to acknowledge, but through collapsed dimensional space, unseen by the naked eye or even the most powerful microscopes, which Muraoka discovered were where quantum representations of where the laws of physics reside. Muraoka coined this destruction of matter Energy Relation Disruption. Muraoka did not publish these findings. The machine that accomplished this feat was succinctly dubbed Y39."

"This led to the discovery of a similar concept that could be applied to the zero-point electromagnetic field that envelops everything in the known universe. The destruction of the universe, Muraoka proposed in his detailed writings, can be accomplished by disrupting the zero-point electromagnetic field that sustains the universe using a machine devised by Muraoka based around the concepts used to destroy matter with the Y39. After making several discoveries in quantum physics that have remained closely guarded secrets, Muraoka realized this field could be used to annihilate the working order of the universe using a special technique to create what Muraoka calls Anti-Inhibitory Fields, which would essentially cause irrevocable "errors" in the zero-point electromagnetic field. The zero-point electromagnetic field would then spike through dimensions that have been collapsed during the origin of the universe that safely store the laws governing the universal order. These collapsed dimensions allow for life as we know it to occur because they carry the information on the laws that the universe is governed that allow for continuity and stability. The Anti-Inhibitory Fields created by the X35 would cause collapsed dimensions to expand and create a local imbalance that would spread throughout the entire universe at a rate approximately twice as fast as the speed of light squared to the inverse of the rate of expansion of the collapsed dimensions. This will lead to a catastrophic destruction of the universe itself because the laws of physics as we know them would break down as the collapsed dimensions expand and the quantum information of these laws begins to unravel."

"Thus, the continuity and stability of the universe would be disrupted resulting in its destruction. Muraoka, however, theorizes that outside our universe is actually another universe that exhibits completely different behaviors. If the universe we inhabit does cease to exist as we know it, in the manner he has devised, not only is there the possibility of it affecting other larger systems than our known universe, but could disrupt the very core creative construct that caused the universe to originate in the first place. This could lead to unfathomable consequences. While Muraoka and his colleagues will agree that while the machine will indeed destroy the universe, the effect on systems outside of the known universe will be a total mystery. The undersigned have taken this into consideration."

In 2003....

"The largest virus ever discovered has been found in a water-cooling tower in Bradford, England. It was lurking inside single-celled organisms called amoebae, but its discoverers believe that it may also be capable of infecting humans.Although the new virus is a thousand times smaller than a pinhead, its girth of 400 nanometres makes it a mammoth in the microbial world. Most viruses measure between 10 and 100 nanometres, and the newcomer is even bigger than some bacteria. At first, Didier Raoult at the Mediterranean University in Marseille and his team assumed that was exactly what it was. The virus's outer coating even reacts to a chemical stain that is specific to some bacteria. But when the researchers tried to detect bacterial-specific genes, they could not."

"Now Raoult's team have confirmed that the giant - christened Mimivirus because of its similarity to a bacterium - is a virus by comparing its genes with other viral proteins. This comparison suggests that it is closely related to other giant viruses such as smallpox."

"Its genome, which is 800,000 DNA letters long, is larger than any other virus and several bacteria. It has more than 900 probable genes, easily beating its nearest competitor, called phage D, which has fewer than 300. So far, however, the researchers have little idea what these extra genes do.
Intriguingly, Raoult says that preliminary results have revealed antibodies to the virus in human patients - suggesting that Mimivirus infects humans as well. But he does not know whether the mega-virus actually causes disease."
Latest Big Eye on universe uses VIRUS to SEE better.
"HETDEX is a project designed to understand the evolutionary history of dark energy. Dark energy is the mysterious property that consists of over 70% of the total energy in the Universe. We know very little about it, beyond its existence, but we do understand how to study it. The goal is to use results from HETDEX to precisely describe how the Universe expands, thereby illuminating the nature of dark energy."

"The Universe has been expanding since the Big Bang, 13.7 billion years ago. The matter in the Universe has been slowing down that expansion due to its gravitational attraction. However, recent measurements of exploding stars called supernovae have shown that there is an additional component in the Universe that has won over gravity and is causing the Universe to expand at an accelerating rate. This component is dark energy."

Visible Integral-field Replicable Unit Spectrograph = VIRUS
"Two things are needed to achieve HETDEX: a very large telescope and a revolutionary instrument
The VIRUS instrument uses the new concept of industrial replication to save 75% of the cost, versus a conventional astronomy instrument HET with VIRUS can do the HETDEX survey in just 100 nights of observing Mapping the galaxies ."

"Collecting the light from distant galaxies with a large telescope is only half the story - the light must be spread out into a spectrum (like a rainbow) and detected by an instrument called a spectrograph. The spectrum allows us to measure how far away a galaxy is, so we can map its position for the survey. In an expanding universe, every galaxy is moving away from every other galaxy, so, from our perspective living in one of them, galaxies that are further away are moving faster away from us. This allows us to determine how far away a galaxy is by measuring its speed, via the Doppler effect. A common example of the Doppler effect is the change in pitch one hears from a siren as an emergency vehicle passes - higher pitch as it approaches and lower pitch as it goes away. The Doppler effect in light means that objects moving away have their spectra shifted to the red, equivalent to a lower pitch. This effect is called redshift, and it allows us to determine the speed of a galaxy and hence its distance and position in space. HET and VIRUS "

"Most spectrographs can observe only a few objects at one time. An integral field spectrograph improves on this by obtaining a spectrum of every bit of sky that it is observing simultaneously. Small integral field spectrographs exist but would take centuries to complete the HETDEX survey. Instead, we will build the VIRUS spectrograph that is powerful enough to obtain the data in only 100 nights. We do this by creating more than 100 copies of a simple integral field spectrograph by industrial replication. This is a new concept in instrumentation for astronomy. It allows us to build an instrument that is much less expensive than a conventional one, where only one large instrument is built and more than half the cost is in the engineering expense. Each conventional astronomical instrument is usually a prototype and copies are rarely made. By contrast, we will replicate the simple VIRUS spectrograph module over a hundred times and spread the engineering cost so it will account for less than 10% of the total. The additional savings of using industrial manufacturing techniques will allow VIRUS to be built for only 25% of the cost of an equivalent traditional design."

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